Learn From Us

Skills such as spinning, weaving, and knitting used to be handed down from generation to generation, which enabled family members of all ages to work together on a daily basis. Unfortunately this is a rarity in our modern day.

At Homestead Fiber Crafts, our goal is to teach others these lost arts so that we can carry on these age-old traditions.

Learn Knitting

Learn Knitting

We offer a robust 7 - part class that will teach you all the basics and more of knitting.

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Floor Loom

Floor Loom

Join our comprehensive floor loom class to learn the fundamentals of weaving and create your own stunning textiles.

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Our foundational weaving series will teach you all the things you need to get started making your own clothes.

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spinning - Drop Spindle and Wheel

spinning - Drop Spindle and Wheel

Learn to spin natural fibers with drop spindle and spinning wheel techniques in this engaging hands-on class.

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